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Viktor Mazyarchuk
initiator and leader of Run for Peace


Economist, public finance expert of the Resuscitation package of reforms, frequent guest on national TV channels, where he is invited to comment on complex economic topics. He has been running for one year, but he has already managed to show the result at the marathon in 3 hours and 21 minutes, taking 238th place among 1299 participants at the oldest international peace marathon in Europe in Kosice, Slovakia.
About how and why he will run, he answers simply: "I run with an angel in my heart."

Roman Zhorin
co-organizer, marketer


Running experience - more than a year. He says he couldn't believe it for a long time when he managed his first half marathon. I had never experienced anything like this before. About his participation in Run for Peace he says:  "I really want to fall asleep and know what tomorrow will bring, that it will come for you, for your children, loved ones, for everyone. The most important thing we have is our life.
Today, the time has come when it is necessary to gather all one's will, unite and firmly say no to military aggressors. We are only strong together."

Ivan Artemenko


He is fond of extreme marathons and ultramarathons. To his credit, he has 2nd place in the 400-kilometer Raid in France.
"The peace relay is a grandiose responsible event, in which I want to take part from the beginning to the end, conveying through sports and running the desire for peace in Ukraine and on Earth," comments Ivan on his decision.

Dmytro Babenko 
specialist construction industry, sports manager


Since 2012, he has finished in 5 official marathons. At the same time, the annual number of starts exceeds four dozen. Dmytro says that for him the time of covering the distance is not important, the running itself is important:
"Marathoners don't understand borders, and they don't understand the politics of war, and many marathoners don't watch TV, choosing instead to go for a nice evening walk of at least 10 kilometers. I want to run, that is, to live. I want to live in a world without war."

Ksenia Jugan
banking specialist


The running journey began in May 2013 with the Run under the Chestnuts in Kyiv. She has completed 10 official half-marathons and 2 marathons. Here's what she says about her motivation to run for Peace:
"My house is not from the edge. And my Country is One. And what it will be today, tomorrow depends on us. And our decisive actions. Start with yourself, change the world around you. When walls are destroyed, horizons appear."

Oleksiy Kononenko
manager of foreign economic activity


Has 16 years of running experience. Participant of the World Mountain Running Championship (Massa, Italy, 2014), the best time in the marathon is 2 hours. 46 min. (Valencia, Spain, 2014). For him, Run for Peace is an example of uniting all people, regardless of where they were born, an attempt to unite all peoples with one goal -   Peace in the whole world.

Gennady Kuznetsov 


Passionate about web design and playing the guitar. In athletics - more than 15 years. A regular participant in competitions in Ukraine and EU countries. Now he is preparing for a performance at a distance of 100 kilometers. Says:
"Running is what I do best and I am honored to direct my abilities to achieve peace in my country."

Natalia Martiashvili 
financier, ballerina


She was born in Georgia. During one and a half years of running, she took part in 8 half-marathons and the Ukraine-Poland international marathon. She says that these one and a half years changed her outlook, gave her hours of struggle and harmony, priceless meetings and close friends. In addition to running, he is fond of ballroom dancing.
"I want to prove that my country is strong, brave and very beautiful, that no matter what obstacles we face, we will overcome everything and people will think and dream about Ukraine," Natalya explains her desire to participate in the project.

Igor Novikov
entrepreneur, freelancer


Over 15 years and thousands of kilometers in cycling. Since 2013, he has been an active participant in running competitions. Ihor set a personal record in the half marathon on March 8 in Paris. He takes part in the Run for Peace because he wants to prove that even an ordinary person is capable of great deeds.
"I don't care what the future of my country will be. I know that we can and should live no worse than in the leading European countries. But they should want to see us there,   and not ask them. And for that, a lot still needs to be done," says Igor

Sergey Popov
journalist, political scientist


He worked as the editor-in-chief of the social and political programs of the ERA TV channel, the chief editor of the information service of the BTB TV channel, and headed the editorial office of the economic programs of the ESG communication group. He has been involved in athletics since 2008. Winner and prize-winner of Ukrainian and international road, cross-country, skyrunning and trail running competitions. Has a personal achievement in the marathon of 2 hours and 22 minutes (Malarita, Belarus, 2004). Participation in Run for Peace comments as follows: 
"I want to show the whole world that we are ready for incredible things for the sake of our Motherland, we are strong and resilient because we are fueled by love for Ukraine, we will win because we are together."

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